Release date: 02 July 2020
Melodic song which shows promise for a band that formed in 2005. The two main singers share a passion for...
Release date: Out now
The strong vocals by Lina Rafn save the samey track, with a lot more feeling than last time. It’s a lot more passable, but stays in the safe zone...
- Infernal – Ten Miles
Release date: Out now
Sickly-sweet, badly orchestrated and recorded, it sounds like something even a X-Factor runner up...
- Joe Naim - My Love
Release date: Out now
Joy’s melody and harmonic value are tonally diverse displaying benevolent subtlety and aggressive force...
Release date: Out now
Multi-instrumentalist Julie Feeney pushes the Do It Yourself concept to the extreme... ...
- Julie Feeney - Aching
- Kat Flint - Dirty Birds
Release date: Out now
Track after track will have you pining for the sun, sand and beach, or inavertedly having you throwing ‘shapes’ as if you...
- Kinky Malinki - Compilation
Release date: Out now
If you’re into the folk revival, the chances are you’ll probably like them, if this thought turns you cold, don’t bother......
- Lavender Diamond - Open Your Heart
Release date: Out now
Little Barrie swings into an amalgamation of genres- Indie, Funk, Soul, and Rock. But where it stops no one has the foggiest...
- Little Barrie-Pay To Join
Release date: Out now
Frothing at the mouth at the thought of yet ANOTHER new band being compared to......

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