Release date: 17 September 2020
A complete mishmash of diverse sounds is how Berlin’s finest Shir Khan comes to fruition on this album. With exclusive tunes provided by...
- Shir Khan-Maximize
Release date: Out now
Call it Dance, Pop, Electro, or Indie this duo have made a niche for themselves, and too right to......
- Shy Child-Noise Won’t Stop
Release date: Out now
The Bravery were recent successful US imports and Shy Child deserve the same respect and success that their compatriots......
- Shy Child - Summer
Release date: Out now
You’d expect nothing less from the lady who gave Ash a hefty slice of girl power for so many years...
- Siberia – Charlotte Hatherley
Release date: Out now
Its soulful vocals and instantly recognisable chorus ensures it’s so much more than just a tribute track......
- Simian Mobile Disco – I Believe
Release date: May 21 2007
They’ve taken the music from ‘Jet Set Willy’ on the Spectrum, looped it and let some mad bastard shout incoherently all over it....
Release date: Out now
Displaying traditional Irish folk sequences with a gorgeous string solo the confusing and indecisive fairy tale provides hope and drama......
Release date: 21 May 2020
f they’d only had the gall to strip the thing down a bit, take out all those unnecessary whirling organ/synth sounds, and just stuck...
Release date: June 18 2007
Unfortunately this album fell short at its first hurdle with its opening track, ‘A470 Song’, but as you skip along a few......
Release date: 3 September 2020
With a huge mix of influences Sohodolls travel through this album with a strength and grace that means you can’t help but listen...

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