Have you ever dealt with an estate agent? Even if you haven’t you’ve probably heard the horror stories. With the average vendor paying somewhere in the region of £7,500 in agent fees it’s no surprise that most of us seriously consider selling or buying our homes privately. So why haven’t more of us jumped on the private property bandwagon? Probably because we just don’t know where to start.
Well you can stop listening to stories about the perfect property coming on the market or those sure thing buyers that never materialise, is the smart new way to sell your home. For no fee at all you can advertise your home with the minimum of fuss, get those interested buyers through the door and be free of estate agents for good. The people behind know that your home is probably your most expensive and valued asset, which is why they let you take control when it’s time to move on to pastures new.
For no fee at all, regardless of property type, size or area, you can be beaming your home’s details out to thousands of potential buyers. Up to 90% of people use the internet to search out their ideal pad so why would they need to be trawling the high street, especially when faced with the daunting prospect of translating that famous estate agent jargon? With you get the same professional looking advert including a floor plan, which even the most technophobic of you can create, plus clear, simple to understand advice and all the tools you need to get your home on the market. is online 24/7, so a buyer can contact you through the site any time day or night and you can reply just as flexibly. You won’t need to worry about those long lunches or ‘team building days’ getting in the way of your sale either. It really does look as though Mini Coopers and the words ‘cosy and ‘bijou’ could be things of the past.

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