Hints and tips for glowing skin

Autumn has hit, and although we’re still adjusting to the seasonal changes, our summer holidays are well and truly over, and let’s face it, the next big holiday will be Christmas. How depressing is that? As the sun fades, and the days get shorter, there are still things that we can do to retain our healthy summer attitudes, and healthy summer glow. Most importantly is the infamous water drinking- not only is it necessary for our bodies to function properly, but it is by far the best and most basic way to keep our skin healthy. Latest news seems to be a min of 2L of water a day for women and 2.5L for men. To make it an easier task try slipping a few slices of lime or lemon into your water, keep a jug in the fridge, and your water will be cool, refreshing with an extra added zing. If you were one of the naughty majority who still managed to sneak a tan past your factor 20 sunscreen, remember that a good moisturiser is imperative to make it last as long as possible.
If, like most of us, your tan has already started to fade, and you’re physically and emotionally ready to prep for winter skin, an all over body exfoliation is what you need.
If you have sensitive skin- soak some slices of cucumber in water for an hour. Then, mix some oats and the cucumber water together to form a paste. Cleanse and wash your face with warm water, pat dry and then apply the home-made mixture, rub gently. Finally wash off with warm water. The light exfoliation effect of the oats with the added moisturising effect of the milky paste, with the cooling effect of the cucumber water will leave you refreshed and glowing.
If you have stronger skin that needs a proper scrub down, buy some refined sea salt from your local health food store and mix it with organic cold pressed sweet almond oil. Mix in a few drops of your favourite essential oil (I usually use a lavender and orange mix). Open you’re pores up by cleansing your face with warm water, apply the mixture and gently rub. This particular salt scrub will leave your skin soft, supple and smelling like a lovely summer’s day.
Meghan Tilson 21st October
