Class One
With some excitement and a hefty amount of trepidation, I went along to Notting Hill’s Westbourne Studios for my first class of Beautcamp Pilates. I was here to try the newest form of exercise that has taken celebrities as well as us normal folk by storm.
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On arrival, I explained that I was a complete beginner, with a scattered history of discarded exercise videos, disjointed yoga lessons and expired gym membership trailing in my wake. The instructor assured me I would be fine and we then went to look at the equipment. This was my first clue that Beautcamp Pilates would be nothing like any other Pilates / yoga class I have attended before. My trepidation came back at full force as I gazed at the sort of rack that seemed on loan from the Tower of London. It was a bench with a stable part and a sliding carriage attached to different weights, with straps to pull over for your feet and your hands should they be needed. I suddenly felt every ounce of yesterdays naughty chocolate cake.
The lesson is to music and there is room for six people at a time. Or make that five lithe, rather gorgeous looking people and me - the sweaty little blob at the back. This is a punishing but rewarding way to tone up your body. I really felt every part of my body working, every muscle and every sinew. Out of my disjointed career of occasional exercise, I have never experienced a work out that felt like it was doing so much good before. Muscles shaking like mad, I was amazed how much work I felt like I was doing and it was a complete wake up call. Left feeling invigorated and a trifle knackered, I was full of enthusiasm for my next visit.
Class Two
This time I was more prepared as to what to expect. We stretched on our carriages as a warm up before doing some serious arm and leg exercises, using a pole to steady our balance as we lunged and squatted, thrust and stretched. As before, my muscles started quivering in about ten minutes. AGH ! They seemed to cry. But this time I was able to keep up better, pleasantly surprised to see my stamina had already gone up from one lesson. This is a great for people who are lazy about exercise, the small class size and the large wall mirrors mean you have nowhere to hide; quite simply, you have to get on with it. And that is precisely what I need, a kick up the butt to get me into shape.
It takes a lot to make me feel excited about exercise, owing to time restrictions and the fact I get bored quite easily. But I feel totally excited about Beautcamp Pilates. For one, you can feel it is definitely going to work and one day soon it might be me with one of those lithe gorgeous bodies stretching so easily on the carriage. Secondly, there are several hour long lessons a day, so you can easily fit one in to a lunch hour or work out at a time convenient to you. Lastly, the instructors are very helpful and considerate to beginners, always a huge plus point. I now speak like the truly converted, extolling the virtues of this amazing class to all and sundry and have already booked my next lesson. Lithe and gorgeous, here I hopefully come!
Beautcamp Pilates is currently to be found at Westboune Studios. Full details about the class including times available can be found on the website.
Fella's! Don't miss out - there are now all new Men's Only classes. These take place every Monday and Thursday 8.30 - 9.30pm and Saturdays 2 - 3pm. You can, like the ladies, book online and take advantage of this exercise, which is designed around male strength and will enhance fitness and performance in football, rugaby and joint rotation sports such as tennis.
Beautcamp Pilates
Unit 11
Westbourne Studios
242 Acklam Road
London W10 5JJ
Tel: 020 7524 7510
MyVillage 21st October