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J K Rowling
Authors: JK Rowling meets with the Queen -22/03/01

Harry Potter author JK Rowling has met the Queen as part of day spent visiting different aspects of the British book publishing industry. The event is another of the Royal theme days when the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh undertake a series of engagements all connected with the same subject.
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Authors: JK Rowling writes two more books for Comic Relief - 13/03/01
Harry Potter creator JK Rowling has written stories featuring their famous characters in aid of Comic Relief. J K Rowling has produced Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, which is the book junior wizard Harry bought to prepare him for Hogwarts school. She has also written Quidditch Through The Ages, a library book that Harry uses to learn the rules of the school's signature sporting activity, which involves teams playing ball on broomsticks. JK Rowling received an OBE earlier this month from Prince Charles. "When Comic Relief asked me to write something I thought I would just love to write the two books," Ms Rowling told the BBC. "I did two because I had two in my head and I couldn't really decide between Quidditch and Fantastic Beasts, so I decided to do them both." Comic Relief founder Richard Curtis approached J K Rowling to write a story saying he was sure she would not be able to but he would still love her books regardless. "It was a very clever way of asking somebody to do something, though I didn't really need much persuading" JK Rowling told the BBC.
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